Dungeon Classics #13: Thursday

FilmDungeon’s Chief Editor JK sorts through the Dungeon’s DVD-collection to look for old cult favorites….

Thursday (1998, USA)

Director: Skip Woods
Cast: Thomas Jane, Aaron Eckhart, Paulina Porizkova
Running Time: 87 mins.

The past comes back to haunt suburban architect Casey (Jane) on what seems to be like a day from hell. While his wife is away, his old drug dealing pal Nick (Eckhart) comes by who leaves him with a suitcase. This later turns out to be chock full of heroin. Not long after, more criminals, crooked cops and a homicidal woman show up to make Casey’s life more miserable. Luckily for him, his old criminal instincts also return with a vengeance, so how the day will end is all but certain. Thursday got some critique for ripping off Tarantino, but missing the poetic touches of the master. At times, it does indeed feel a bit exploitative. However, it is also very entertaining and the cast is excellent. No, it is nowhere near Pulp Fiction, but as far as Tarantino-esque crime movies go, this one belongs to the best of the bunch as far as I’m concerned.

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